
Before You Knew Me

Wednesday 3 PM
Church of the Good Shepherd

Before You Knew Me

A series of classes designed to help us know each other in our lives before COGS.

Wednesdays – Jan 11, Jan 18th, & Jan 25th
at 3 PM

Have you experienced surprise at a celebration of life upon hearing something that person you thought you knew well, did, or was, and wished you had known while they were alive? This has been an issue for likely most of us.

We see each other now like a black and white photo. There is a richness in our backgrounds that is waiting to be turned into living color, uncovered and shared. It may turn out you have more in common with another at Good Shepherd than you knew!

For three weeks, Jan. 11, 18, and 25, we will meet in the patio room from 3:00 to 4:30 for a fun way to learn about each other now, instead of later. It allows us to meet in daylight, especially helpful for those who do not drive at night. For those who are working, the program may be repeated in the evening if there is interest.

A sign-up sheet will be in the breezeway so we know how to plan for seating. You can come to one, two or all three of the gatherings as fits your schedule.

Contact Mary Ratliff, Maureen Belote, or email for more information if you wish.

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