
Worshiping Joyfully

New to Good Shepherd?

New to Good Shepherd

New to Good Shepherd?

So you have seen our times and locations and have decided to visit, but you have some questions about how our worship service works.

How Long Do Services Last

How Long Do Services Last?

On Saturday, Celtic Kirk takes about an hour. On Sunday, the early service is also about an hour, and the later one is somewhat longer.

What if I’m not Episcopalian


Remembering Who We Were

History of Church of the Good Shepherd

The first Episcopal services in Dunedin, marking the beginning of our Good Shepherd congregation, were held in December 1886. Our first congregation numbered about 16 persons. The Right Reverend Edwin G. Weed, consecrated in August as Bishop of Florida, visited the community during the Christmas season, preached, confirmed four persons, and celebrated the Holy Eucharist. Following that visit the little congregation petitioned the Bishop for missionary oversight, having raised $340 toward support of the work. They were soon put under the care of the Reverend William H. Noyle who also visited Clearwater Harbor and Tarpon Springs.


COGS History - Original Church

Celebrating Who We Are

the-episcopal-church-sealThe Church of the Good Shepherd is part of The Episcopal Church and the world-wide Anglican Communion. Our Christian heritage is over 2,000 years old, our Anglican tradition is over 500 years old, our American denomination is over 200 years old, and our Dunedin congregation is over 130 years old.

There are several Episcopal churches in northern Pinellas County, and we strive to collaborate with and support each other. Each of these Episcopal Churches is part of the Clearwater Deanery, which has its own Facebook Page. In addition, we have strong ties to other congregations in the area, occasionally worshiping or doing service projects together.

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Join Us For Worship

Services Days/Time/Location

8 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:15 AM - Sunday School For Adults
10 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II

Sunday School For Kids:
During the 10 AM Service
(School Year)

Nursery Care available during the 10 AM service.

6 PM - Communion Service

Worship Bulletins

Worship bulletins at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd


COGS on Youtube

Watch recordings of our services from your computer or mobile device.

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Music Ministries at COGS

Music Ministries at Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

Proclaim with me the greatness of the Lord; let us exalt his Name together.
~ Psalm 34:3

The music ministries of Church of the Good Shepherd offer you the chance to let music be a part of your gift to God. The Adult Choir and the Bells of Hope are open to all adults from high school on up. Although we strive for musical excellence, the priority is for each individual to be nurtured as a Christian and as one who contributes by participation to glorify God through music in worship.