11:00 AM to Noon
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Led by The Rev. Mary Anne Dorner
For the past year, we have all gone through various stages of “Coping with COVID.” You may realize that they are similar to what Kubler-Ross identified as stages of grief: “Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.”
During this retreat, we will look at various “spiritual remedies” for coping with the reality of how our lives have changed in the past year due to the pandemic. Together we can “grieve the loss of how things were” and to “move forward into the world as it is today.”
For questions or to sign up, you can contact Cheryl Sharpe or Mary Anne Dorner directly.
Alternately, use the form below to reserve your space.
** All participants will receive a specific email confirming their reservation; this email will contain Zoom links and instructions. **
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