Pause, Notice, Wonder
Advent 2: Peace, Year C
Becky Robbins-Penniman
I see none of you wore crash helmets to worship today. That’s OK, I didn’t either. But I still think it’s a good idea for Advent. Today’s lesson isn’t about signs in the stars and roaring seas, but it’s every bit as earth-shaking as last week’s. When the Reign of God bursts into our lives, it’s guaranteed to interrupt business as usual.
Today’s Candle is the Peace candle, and our usual assumption is that Peace is all about calmness and brightness and quiet. Make no mistake, God’s peace is aimed at turning the world around. Waging peace is hard work that interrupts business as usual; it ain’t for sissies. Jesus constantly interrupted business as usual by healing the untouchable, respecting foreign women, overturning the tables of religious corruption, and rising from the dead. It’s sort of God’s M.O., Method of Operation. It was God’s way from the beginning of creation…
Read the full sermon HERE.
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