Expect His Abundance
4th Sunday after Easter, Year C
Deacon Cindy Roehl
In our Gathering Prayer this morning we prayed:
We gather in the name of our Easter God: Our Risen Lord transforms darkness into light, hatred into tolerance, despair into hope.
Much of the time, our lives are a compromise between happiness and sorrow, joy and discouragement. This ‘roller coaster” kind of existence is a challenge to our faith, and a denial of “the peace of God which surpasses our understanding”, and God knows this.
The whole of Easter has been about equipping us with powerful faith-tools to defeat the forces that would drag us down. There are post-Resurrection stories of a group of defeated fishermen who end up going back to their lives of fishing, only to discover the risen Jesus meeting them for breakfast. There are the travelers walking to Emmaus encountering a stranger who turns out to be Jesus, who breaks bread with them. They discover their hearts gladdened.
These are experiences opened to us, too.
View the full sermon text HERE.