

June 16, 2019

Trinity Sunday,
Year C
Becky Robbins-Penniman


Bishops have expectations of the priests that serve the parishes in a diocese. One of the expectations is that we will take time away to go on retreat, re-grounding ourselves in our faith; the other is that we will continue learning stuff, get continuing education like any other professional.

Earlier this year, I looked at my choices for meeting these expectations. Being someone who likes to be efficient with the funds all y’all pay me, I decided to combine my retreat with a continuing education conference. I went up to Massachusetts to a retreat center an hour northeast of Boston.

They are having a late spring in New England. On the one hand, that meant that the flowers were glorious! Peonies, irises and the mountain laurels were in full bloom. So were the dandelions. There was one gorgeous, cloudless day in the high 70s that just made one glad to be alive…

Read the full sermon text HERE.