4th Sunday in Epiphany, Year B
Deacon Cindy Roehl
As you know, we are coming to the end of our stewardship program. That’s the time of year when we ask our members to think about what they are giving to the church and consider what they will give over the next year. And for those of you who are new to our church services, no, we don’t talk about giving “all the time”. But once a year we DO talk about it. I believe it’s important to talk about it for several reasons.
But before we get into that, I do want to share a story about one church service (not one of ours)
which was under way and they passed the collection plate. When the pastor saw a $100.00 bill in
the collection plate, he stopped the service and announced, “Who ever put the $100.00 bill in the
plate please stand up”.
An attractive single woman stood up and said, “I did.”
The pastor told her, “Since you put that much money in the plate, I would like to let YOU pick out three hymns.” Excitedly, the woman said, “How nice, I’ll take him and him and him!”
So, you’re probably sitting there thinking, “Here it comes. She just told us she’s going to talk about giving, and she gave us a cute little story to get us relaxed, so now she’s gonna’ tell us that we need to give our money because God needs it, so He can do His work in the world.” Well, I’m not going to tell you that. Instead, I’m going to tell you that… God doesn’t NEED your money because everything belongs to Him already…
Read the full sermon text HERE.
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