
Shepherding Teams

These teams endeavor to make guests feel welcome and provide assistance in any way on Sunday morning. Greeters, Ushers, and Welcome Table folks help find name tags, hand out bulletins and the weekly news, and give directions. Greeters and Ushers also assist during the service with the offertory and guiding people taking communion.

Welcome Table

We help people find name tags and give directions.


We welcome everyone as they arrive on Sunday morning and assist during the service with the offertory and guiding people taking communion.


We hand out bulletins and the weekly news, and give directions. Ushers also assist during the service with the offertory and guiding people taking communion.

If you would like to join us, please let us know:

    I would like to volunteer for a team(s) within the:

    Check one (or more) of the groupings below and forward this form and your interests to our Parish Administrator. A member of the Vestry will be in touch.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the car.