
christmas cookies Archives - Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

Holiday Bake Sale

Shepherd’s Sweets Bake Sale Our Pack-A-Sack ministry fundraiser is back! Fill a cookie tin with any combo from the thousands of homemade cookies, brownies, bars, and other baked goods available for just $3 – $10! (Last year we had over 200 dozen donated!) Specialty items such as flan, cupcakes, breads, & bark will be priced individually. […]

Holiday Bake Sale

Shepherd’s Sweets Bake Sale Our Pack-A-Sack ministry fundraiser is back! Fill a cookie tin with any combo from the thousands of homemade cookies, brownies, bars, and other baked goods available for just $3 – $10! (Last year we had over 200 dozen donated!) Specialty items such as flan, cupcakes, breads, & bark will be priced individually. […]