
Thriving in Faith & Generosity

COGS 2022 Stewardship Campaign
October 16 – November 6, 2022
Thriving in Faith & Generosity Logo

Thriving in Faith & Generosity

Dear Fellow Parishioner,

The first verse of our Stewardship Campaign theme song is so significant to our message for the coming year.

“God, whose giving knows no ending, from your rich and endless store: nature’s wonder, Jesus’s wisdom, costly cross, grave’s shattered door, gifted by you, we turn to you, offering up ourselves in praise; thankful song shall rise forever, gracious donor of our days.”

It is our faith in God that drives our generosity and allows us to thrive. It is the promise of God’s unconditional love and abundant gifts that inspire us to offer our own gifts of time, talent, and treasure to our church and its ministries.

We are extremely blessed by the many of you who very graciously give back to God with your time and talent. It is vital to and appreciated by your church family. Now is the time of year when we also review our financial generosity for the coming year.

The cost to keep up our piece of heaven here on earth is not inexpensive, as we all know expenses continue to rise. Your Parish leadership and Stewardship Committee ask that you pray about an increase in your pledge to Good Shepherd for the 2023 calendar year.

Together we Thrive in Faith and Generosity with happy hearts. You can trust that your gift will be looked upon gratefully and used judiciously to the Glory of God.

In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul said: “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

You can let us know of your pledge by returning the enclosed Pledge Card by mail, to the church office, or by placing it in the offering plate. You can also pledge online at or on Realm. All of the pledges will be blessed during both services on November 6th.

Blessings from your Stewardship Team,

Rev. Whitney Burton
Phil Beauchamp
Bruce Fahnestock
Carolyn Hughes
Robin Megel
Judy Warner

You are welcome to submit your pledge via postal mail, by bringing your pledge card to the church, by logging in securely through Realm, or by submitting your information via our website form. To pledge via Realm or use our form, and instructions on how to pledge using Realm, please click on the button below.


View printable pdfs of our announcements here:

Stewardship Committee Letter
Announcement from Rev Whitney
more to come…