Comfort and Joy An Advent Calendar of Meditations: Making Holy Time in the Year of our Lord 2020 All are welcome and invited to participate in our daily, Advent reading series featuring the seasonal themes of Comfort and Joy. Stories, meditations, memories, and even recipes! written for you by the people of Episcopal Church of […]
Sing Out for Joy Advent 3, Year A Becky Robbins-Penniman What are the rules of faith? The rules most of us grew up with a variation of this: God wants to be with only a very few special people, and God is just itching to punish the rest of us with terrifying vengeance. So straighten […]
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive; Eliminate the Negative Advent 1, Year A Becky Robbins-Penniman One of the greatest coping mechanisms we use to handle our lives is to assume, at least at the “big picture” level, that today will be pretty much like yesterday. Like yesterday, today red will still mean stop and green will mean go. […]
Lessons and Carols Advent 4: Love, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman Readings and songs referenced between reflections may be found in the corresponding Worship Bulletin.
Advent 3: Joy, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman, 8 AM Bishop Dabney Smith, 10 AM
Pause, Notice, Wonder Advent 2: Peace, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman I see none of you wore crash helmets to worship today. That’s OK, I didn’t either. But I still think it’s a good idea for Advent. Today’s lesson isn’t about signs in the stars and roaring seas, but it’s every bit as earth-shaking as last […]
Sitting in Darkness Advent 1: Hope, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman We understand Jeremiah’s words of promise and hope. We want THEM to be true: God will send someone to ensure we live in safety. We easily can lift our voices with the psalmist’s and ask God to thwart the treacherous and be compassionate to us. […]