
Undie Sunday

Sunday 8 AM & 10 AM
Church of the Good Shepherd

Clothes to Kids at COGS

COGS participates in clothing drives for CLOTHES to KIDS, a non-profit organization that collects and distributes new Underwear and Socks to local school age children throughout the year.

Our next “Undie Sunday” clothing drive will run through Sunday, March 9, 2025.

Collections tubs will be in Kirk Hall and the North Narthex through those dates. Donations, including any monetary donations, will be blessed on March 9th and delivered to Clothes to Kids for distribution.

Most Needed Undie Sizes:

No Girls’ undies, please.

Women’s Bikini Style
Sizes – M & L only
No granny panties! Young styles, please.

Boys’ and Men’s Boxer Briefs
Sizes – S, M, L, & XL
Only knit boxer briefs (knits are stretchy.) No white briefs; no tighty whities!

Socks – Boys and Girls sizes only

Not able to drop off your drawers in person? Take a look at their Amazon Wish List.

Clothes to Kids  Amazon Wish List

Clothes to Kids accepts donations of gently used clothing year-round. They are usually short of boys clothing size 7 through 18. Please consider cleaning out your closets – and ask children and grandchildren to do the same. Donations of clothing may be dropped into bins with the undies.

Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd also participates in Clothes to Kids “Undie Sunday” and “Sock-It-To-Me Sunday” campaigns held at different times during the school year.

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