
EXALT Teams for Worship

We Aspire:
To live in a world where all creation thrives in God’s love,

COGS Mission and Ministry

And Seek:
To become who God created us to be by ...

Worshiping Joyfully

Respecting All

Sharing Generously

Nurturing Every Spirit

Vestry Liaison: John Russotto

COGS Mission and Ministry

These teams lead and support our gathering to worship God, which is the foundation of our community of faith.

Proclaim with me the greatness of the Lord; let us exalt his Name together.
~ Psalm 34:3

Contact the Vestry Liaison

Contact information for individual teams are available in our directory or you may complete the form below to send a message to the liaison.

Mission & Ministry Directory

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Youth from about eight years old through adults serve by carrying the cross and torches, ringing the Sanctus bells, and assisting the clergy in preparing the altar for the celebration of Holy Communion.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild members work behind the scenes preparing the church for worship, lovingly caring for the linens, tending to the wood, silver and brass items, and taking care of needs for holidays and special services.

Chalicists/Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Serving on the altar, the ministry of this group is to assist the clergy in distributing the Lord’s Supper, as well as undertaking some duties shared by acolytes.

Flower Ministry

Our Sunday flowers are arranged by a team of members and friends of the parish with a talent in this ministry. If you would like to designate the flowers in memory of a loved one or in honor of a person or a special event, please sign-up on the sheet in back of the church. Each Sunday we have two vases of flowers; cost is $25 to sponsor one, and $50 for both. If you would like to be on the Flower Arranging Team…

Lectors/Prayers of the People

The scriptures and liturgy are meant to be read aloud; when confident and articulate people take part in this ministry, the whole congregation benefits.

Pastoral Care Team

This Team’s mission is to make regular visits to our homebound and hospitalized members. After special training and approval, members also bring Holy Communion to people in their homes.