Do You Love Me? 2nd Sunday after Easter, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman The core of Christianity is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. The church year has two basic parts: the Christmas cycle, when we hear the prophecies about the coming Messiah, the birth of that Messiah, the Christ, and the revelation that […]
6:30 AM Outdoor, Sunrise Service 8 AM Joyful, Classic Service 10 AM Festive, Traditional Service This year Good Shepherd will offer a special Easter Buffet Coffee Hour that will feature baked egg casseroles, carved baked ham, shrimp cocktail, fresh fruit, assorted rolls and pastries, and mimosas (after the 10 AM service.) Additionally, join us on […]
WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK Reconciliation Service at 10:00 AM We seek and receive healing from the betrayals and hurts in our lives. A service of Holy Communion and Healing, focusing on reconciliation and forgiveness. Full Holy Week & Easter Schedule
THE SUNDAY OF THE PASSION: PALM SUNDAY Services at both 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM The Liturgy of the Palms is followed by a live presentation of the first part of the passion of Christ followed by a solemn celebration of Holy Communion. Full Holy Week & Easter Schedule 10 AM Live Stream Video […]
Printable Holy Week Schedule Visit these pages for more info: Sunday 4/7 King’s Entrance Sunday Sunday 4/14 Palm/Passion Sunday Wednesday 4/19 Reconciliation Service Thursday 4/18 Seder Celebration, Stripping of the Altar, Prayer Vigil Friday 4/19 Stations of the Cross Cross Walk Live Stations Saturday 4/20 Easter Vigil Sunday 4/21 Easter Sunday Services