
Hurricane Relief & Storm Updates

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Needs of Parishioners

We have some parishioners who could use some help following Helene and Milton.

If you are able to help with any of these needs, or can offer any other kind of assistance, please let us know. We will keep a running list. If you need help with anything yourself, please let us know that as well. Our church community is here for you. God is with you.

If you are looking for ways to give, please consider giving to the Discretionary Fund and specifying “Hurricane Relief.” You can give online HERE.

Sent via email at 9 AM on Thurs, 10.17.24

The Power is On and Campus is Open

Power and internet have been restored and campus is open.
Scheduled classes, events and community use may resume according to schedule.
Extra safety note: Albert Street has down power lines and should be avoided. Use the Edgewater Drive entrance. Please use care entering and exiting campus as there is still a lot of debris.

Sent via email at 12 PM on Mon, 10.14.24

Sunday Worship on 10/13 @ 9 AM, Event Updates, and More!
Tomorrow all are invited to worship with us casually in Kirk Hall at 9 AM. We will have a morning prayer service (no Eucharist) for those who would like to gather.
Be aware that the campus remains without power and therefore without AC. Wear shorts. Bring water. Stay comfortable and safe!
Extra safety note: Albert Street has down power lines and should be avoided. Use the Edgewater Drive entrance.
Scheduled classes and events – Adult Formation, Sunday School, Nursery Care, Coffee Hour, Book Study, Youth Group, the Fall Craft & Quilt Sale, and more – are all postponed. We will publish new dates as they become available.
Good Shepherd campus otherwise remains closed. When we have updates, likely after power is restored, we will be sure to let everyone know.

Sent via email at 1:30 PM on Sat, 10.12.24

Initial Campus Assessment Oct 10th
We have preliminary reports coming in. We have been told that the church campus has a lot of debris, but it appears we sustained minimal damage to our buildings. There is no power on campus, the parking lot and roads around the church are still dangerous, and there are power lines down on the surrounding streets. We know many other areas are also dangerous, so please be safe!
Good Shepherd campus will remain closed for the time being. Once we have more details we will send another update.
In the meantime let us know how you are doing. We would love for you to add your status update to our Facebook post HERE.
Do let us know if you need anything at all!

via email Thurs, 10.10.24 @ 12 PM

Hurricane Milton Campus Closure
Due to predicted impacts of Hurricane Milton, the Church Campus will close Today (Monday, October 7th) at noon and will remain closed until further notice.
There will be no Wednesday evening service this week.
We will provide updates as we have them. Please make your own preparations and be safe! If there is anything you need, please let us know.

A prayer from our Bishop
Lord of heaven and earth, of sea and sky, look upon our sisters and brothers in the paths of storms, beset by rising waters and violent winds. In such times, we turn to you. You are our shelter, you are our strength. You are our comfort and protection. Make us these things for our brothers and sisters. Make us shelter, make us strength. Make us comfort and protection. We are your children, your image and likeness. Make us more like you, O God of all goodness. And so, let waters recede, to be replaced by a rising tide of compassion. Let winds dissipate to be replaced by the roar of justice, that all might know your mercy and find safety and hope in the midst of storms. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sent via email Mon, 10.7.24 at 11:30 AM

God of the present moment, God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart; bring hope and courage to all as we wait in uncertainty. Bring hope and peace with whatever lies ahead. Bring us courage to endure what cannot be avoided. For your will is health and wholeness; you are God, and we need you.  — Adapted from a New Zealand Prayer Book, page 765


To give locally: Make a gift to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund and mark it for Hurricane relief.

To give globally: Give to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Hurricane Relief Fund

Rector’s Discretionary Fund  Episcopal Relief & Development

Via email notification at 10:30 AM Sat, 9.28.24

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, we will gather together in Kirk Hall for one service this Sunday, September 29th at 9:00 AM.
Following the service, will have a campus cleanup for those who are able to help (dress in your messy clothes!).
Children’s Sunday School and Nursery will be available and will run through the end of Campus Cleanup.
Power has returned to campus, but is still shut off in the Church Building. The water did not enter the church (though it came close) but out of an abundance of caution, we have shut off the power to the Church building until it can be checked by an electrician.
There will be no 5th Sunday Feast or Spiritual Gifts Assessment this Sunday. We will reschedule Spiritual Gifts soon. Saturday Family Bowling Night with Holy Trinity has been postponed and we will send out a new date when we have one.
We will unfortunately not be able to livestream Sunday’s Service.
Please continue to pray for all who have been affected by the storm. We have many parishioners and community members who sustained damage, including Garry and Jen Lumm, who live on church campus. As we learn of any needs, we will be sure to let the congregation know.
Should you have any needs at all, please let us know.

Via email notification at 11 AM Fri, 9.27.24

Dear Good Shepherd and Friends,
I pray that everyone is safe and sustained little to no damage in the storm. Both Rev. Whitney’s and Garry’s families evacuated before the storm and are safe.
We have been assessing our Church Campus post-storm. The Sexton’s House (the green house on Edgewater) appears to have sustained damage from the storm surge. The rest of our campus buildings are dry, and other than debris from the wind and surge, seem unharmed at this time. The water was close to entering the church but did not.
There is currently no power in the area and power had to be disconnected at the church for safety. We are not sure what road conditions are in the area. The church Campus will be closed until further notice.
We will worship in some form on Sunday, but at this time the details are unknown.
If you sustained damage or need help of any kind (extra hands, financial assistance, pastoral care, a hug, etc.) PLEASE let us know. You can email or call/text 727-275-0257.
As we learn more about the situation and any immediate needs, we will update you. In the meantime join me in prayer for all of those who have been affected and those who continue to be.
Be safe,
The Rev. Whitney Burton+

Via Facebook at 6 AM on Fri, 9.27.24

A note from Rev. Whitney:
Beloved, the sun has not risen yet, and I know that we are all worried about what we will see in the next several hours, from the condition of our homes and the safety of our loved ones and their homes, to our beloved church campus.
Both my family and Garry’s family evacuated Edgewater Drive prior to the storm and are safe, but we aren’t sure what our homes and the church look like. Based on what we’re hearing, we anticipate dangerous road conditions and likely at least some flooding on campus.
Please do not come to church to look. We aren’t sure if it is safe at this time and we don’t want anyone else in harms way. Once the sun rises and we get eyes on campus we will send an update. The church campus will remain closed until further notice.
Please let us know of any needs you may have as well. This will be a time that our community comes together to lift up and support one another. We continue to pray for all affected by the storm, and all who will be in the coming days.

Via email notification sent 9.24.24

Due to the projected impact of Hurricane Helene and necessary campus preparation, the Church of the Good Shepherd campus will close at noon on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, and will remain closed through Thursday, September 26th.
This includes the cancellation of Exploring the Minor Prophets and our Wednesday Evening 6 PM service.
We are closely monitoring the situation and taking necessary precautions. As of now, Campus will reopen on Friday, September 27th, but we will continue to send any updates regarding closures and cancellations. Please know, that should we be under a tropical storm warning, hurricane warning, or mandatory evacuation, the church campus will remain closed until they are lifted.
Please take time now to make your own preparations and be safe.

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