Pentecost 6, Proper 10, Year A Deacon Cindy Roehl Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? How many remember that nursery rhyme as a child? And, if anyone were to answer that question asked of Mary, they would probably say, by planting seeds in good soil, making sure it gets good sunlight, water, […]
Don’t Tell Me How To Feel Trinity Sunday, Year A Becky Robbins-Penniman One morning back 40 or so years ago, when I’d been in the adult work force for about 2 weeks, I went into work on the 16th floor of a 41-story downtown office building. I needed to talk to my boss, Judy, about […]
The Sacrament of Breathing Pentecost Sunday, Year A Becky Robbins-Penniman This version of the coming of the Holy Spirit isn’t very exciting, is it? Unlike the reading from Acts, there’s no mighty wind, no tongues of fire. Jesus just breathes on his disciples. Of course, this is a deeply symbolic act; God’s breath flowed over the […]
Our Living God Veterans Day Pentecost 22, Proper 27, Year C Deacon Cindy Roehl A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss the use of the car. His father took him to his study and said to him, “I’ll make a deal […]
Be a Great Ancestor All Saints’ Day Pentecost 21, Proper 26, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman How did you come to be in church today? I imagine a number of us are here for the same reason that Ava Gabrielle Faimalie is here this morning: she is continuing in a long line of people who first […]
Talkin’ to Myself Pentecost 20, Proper 25, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman I’ve discovered something about myself that I probably shouldn’t admit: When I’m alone, I talk to myself. Out loud. I googled what this means. One impeccably researched article said it was a sign of dementia. Another impeccably researched article said it was a sign […]
Don’t Give Up! Pentecost 19, Proper 24, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman We are used to thinking of judges in the context of American democracy; they are to be apolitical, impartial and, most especially, fair to all. They tend to be part of the social and governmental elite in our society, aloof and unapproachable. It’s understandable […]
Give Him Praise Pentecost 18, Proper 23, Year C Deacon Cindy Roehl I cannot start this sermon without sharing with you what a few of us from Good Shepherd experienced this weekend. Pastor Becky and I were joined by your delegates for convention and a few others from here at Good Shepherd and we […]
This is Our Father’s World St Francis and Blessing of the Animals Pentecost 19, Proper 24, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman Today we are celebrating the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, who lived about 800 years ago. He changed the church, and the world, then. His message may be even more relevant now. Of course, […]
Put a Bow on It Pentecost 16, Proper 21, Year C Becky Robbins-Penniman So, is Jesus right? If we don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, will we also refuse to be persuaded by one who rises from the dead? Now, most of us wouldn’t think of ourselves as being filthy rich like the people […]